Free Assessment for Leaders

Get a Custom Report to Scale Smarter

Take the free Business Intelligence (BI) Grader to gain visibility within your business or nonprofit and learn how to fuel your scaling journey

Take the free Business Intelligence (BI) Grader to gain visibility within your business or nonprofit and learn how to fuel your scaling journey

Growth Barriers

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Answers and Insights

Your Growth

Growth Barriers
Get Clear
Answers and Insights
Your Growth

To Continue Scaling, You Need to Better Understand the Big Picture of Your Organization

Too many business owners and nonprofit leaders operate in the dark. They make decisions and manage their teams without full visibility of where their organization is and what’s in the way of growth.

You shouldn’t have to lead on your own, and you don’t have to.

Organizations That Scale Prioritize Four Areas

Financial Intelligence

Maximizing Profit

Organizations in the startup phase focus on making money but often overlook how to keep and maximize it. Financial intelligence focuses on following the money in your organization to unlock the story of your business. Cracking the code will tell you everything you need to know about other areas of your business.

Leadership Intelligence

Organizing People

Once you follow the money in financial intelligence, you quickly realize it’s connected to people and your organizational structure. Leadership intelligence brings clarity and organization to your leadership team so you can make strategic decisions that drive the business or nonprofit forward.

Productivity Intelligence

Mobilizing Plans

With effective leadership in place, next it’s time to make sure you have processes established to get the right things done. Productivity intelligence introduces tools you can implement to drive efficiency and make sure the right things get done.

Human Intelligence

Optimizing Performance

Last, but not least, people are your organization’s most valuable asset. Human intelligence taps into the power of putting the right people in the right roles to leverage their strengths, cultivate an engaged team, and scale your organization faster.

The BI Grader measures how effectively your organization performs in each of these areas, diagnoses the challenges holding you back, and highlights what to focus on to scale with confidence.

The BI Grader measures how effectively your organization performs in each of these areas, diagnoses the challenges holding you back, and highlights what to focus on to scale with confidence.

Ready to Scale Smarter?


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Discovery Call

Fill out the request form to schedule a call with a Forge leader.


Select Your
Path Forward

Get personalized service options designed to address your needs.


Unlock Faster
Business Growth

Gain insights and support to help you achieve your goals.


Take the BI Grader

Complete the free assessment by answering questions about your organization.


Get Your Custom Scaling Report

Access your BI Grader score to gain visibility on your standing within the four priorities of scaling.


Accelerate Your Growth

Lead your organization forward with greater clarity, focus, and confidence.


Take the BI Grader

Complete the free assessment by answering questions about your organization.


Get Your Custom Scaling Report

Access your BI Grader score to gain visibility on your standing within the four priorities of scaling.


Accelerate Your Growth

Lead your organization forward with greater clarity, focus, and confidence.


Book a
Discovery Call

Fill out the request form to schedule a call with a Forge leader.


Select Your
Path Forward

Get personalized service options designed to address your needs.


Unlock Faster
Business Growth

Gain insights and support to help you achieve your goals.


Book a Discovery Call

Fill out the request form to schedule a call with a Forge leader.


Select Your Path Forward

Get personalized service options designed to address your needs.


Unlock Faster Business Growth

Gain insights and support to help you achieve your goals.


Take the BI Grader

Complete the free assessment by answering questions about your organization.


Get Your Custom Scaling Report

Access your BI Grader score to gain visibility on your standing within the four priorities of scaling.


Your Growth

Lead your organization forward with greater clarity, focus, and confidence.

Developed by Forge

The BI Grader is Backed by a Proven System

After conducting countless experiments, leading hundreds of client engagements, and investing more than $1M in consultants, coaches, and training with top leaders in business, management, and financial services, we discovered and implemented a set of principles, frameworks, playbooks, and tools that accelerated our organization’s growth and unlocked its potential.

We’ve refined our approach, and it’s now known as the Simple ScaleUp System™.

Today, we serve more than 300 client groups, representing nearly 900 entities and their owners across the United States. And we use the Simple ScaleUp System™ to help our clients grow their organizations.

In Under 15 Minutes

Get Started on Your Strategic Path to Scaling